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Your Invitation To Visit Canada

Have you ever pictured yourself exploring Canada? I extend a warm invitation for you to visit! Immerse yourself in the grandeur of the Canadian Rockies, discover the quaint charm of our towns, or simply unwind beside breathtaking lakes. Canada has something to offer everyone, and I guarantee you’ll be delighted by your experience.

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Victoria BC at dusk showing the harbour and the city background.

City Of Victoria

Victoria, British Columbia, situated at the southern end of Vancouver Island, is a captivating city that marries British heritage with natural splendor. Discover its historic

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Vancouver skyline in the early evening with reflections of the skyline on the bay.

City of Vancouver

Situated amidst sparkling waters and majestic snow-covered mountains, Vancouver in British Columbia thrives with a vibrant urban spirit and the splendor of nature. The atmosphere

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Dinosaur Provincial Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Alberta, boasts an abundance of dinosaur fossils and dramatic badlands scenery.

Dinosaur Provincial Park

Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta, Canada, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is home to one of the world’s most abundant dinosaur fossil beds.

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night time skyline of Edmonton Alberta photop by Justin Hu

City of Edmonton

Edmonton, Alberta’s capital in Canada, is a lively northern city celebrated for its numerous festivals, extensive river valley parks, and thriving oil sector. Known as

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Calgary landscape photo taken by Jack Carter on Upsplash

City of Calgary

Calgary, Alberta, surpasses what one might expect. It’s a city where the ruggedness of the western legacy blends seamlessly with contemporary urban designs, and the

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The enchanting Old Town of Quebec City, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a charming and picturesque destination filled with historic architecture, cozy cafes, and vibrant street performers, making it the perfect place to immerse yourself in the rich culture and French-inspired ambiance of this beautiful city.

The fete St. Jean-Baptiste held annually on June 24th is a celebrated holiday in Quebec, Canada, honoring Saint John the Baptist with parades, fireworks, and traditional festivities. It is a day filled with cultural pride and national unity.

Quebec flag

Quebec City Walking Tours

Group of people on a walking tour in Quebec City
Explore historic Old Québec City on this small-group walking tour. Visit many of Québec City’s top attractions in the Upper and Lower Town districts—like the Fortifications of Québec, Citadelle of Québec, Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Church and many more.
Discover Old Quebec (Vieux Québec) on a food tour that goes from old-world to modern, with plenty of delicious stops along the way.

25 Exciting Quebec City & Vicinity Tours

Explore Places to Stay In Quebec City